Wednesday, August 4, 2010


This plant is the Spathiphyllum, or otherwise known (an easier to pronounce!) as the Peace Lily. Spath's are an in-door plant commonly used in homes, offices, and shopping malls due to the fact that they grow so well and that they can adapt to many different conditions. The plant has spoon-shaped leaves in a wide variety of sizes that can be green or variegated. Spath's do their best in low-light situations. If you can comfortably sit and read in the spot, the plant will do all right. Winter sun is fine, but avoid direct afternoon sun in the summertime. As far as watering goes, keep the soil evenly moist all year round. Do not allow it to stand with water in the saucer for more than an hour or two.

And here's a Spath care-giving tip: when grooming this plant, give them an occasional shower to remove any accumulated dust from the foliage. Also, as flowers fade, clip off the stem as low as you can reach.

Overall, we find the Peace Lily to be a great addition to our CCF plant home. We sell this plant in these three sizes:
3” Pot $1.99
4” Pot $3.99
6” Pot $11.99

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