Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy National Ice-Cream MONTH

The dog days of summer are here. What does that mean, anyway? Well, I can tell you one thing--it means we're celebrating National Ice Cream month at CCF with a vengeance. Tasha scored a Fat Boy ice cream bar yesterday and it inspired a frozen dairy craze. If you're in the Wilkinson Student Center this month, be sure and stop by to visit our friends at the Sugar & Spice where they serve ice cream delights straight from the BYU Creamery. If you have a spare minute or two, click here to play the BYU Creamery Game. It's like a super-sweet version of Tetris.

Better go. It's time to hit the creamery for my Bishop's Bash in a waffle cone. Oh, summer, how we love thee!

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