Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back From L.A.

Just back from the streets of Los Angeles. Glad to be home in my own bed--dreaming of the fun things that will be arriving as a result of lots of walking and hunting. Some men go out into the wilderness for days searching for wild game. I go out into the urban wilderness for days searching for wildly insane cuteness. The only difference is that I stayed at the Sheraton and traded in my orange vest for a knit cardigan. So, here's just a taste of what we have coming.

You're going to LOVE the vintage goodness of Cody Foster and Co. Lots of amazing ornaments. Oh, they are BEE-utiful. In fact, a Mr. Cody Foster even wrote my order.The hunt also brought about some Love & Toast. Did someone say roller-ball perfumes? Hand cream? Lip balm? Well, they're on their way, darlings! Who doesn't want to smell like a Dew Blossom? Seriously.

These fun new lines should be arriving soon--along with a slew of others. It was a good hunting trip, to say the least.

1 comment:

  1. ohh I love when you go to LA and boxes and boxes come in of oodles of adorable stuff! so fun! I miss it...
